Monday, March 23, 2015

SOL March 23

The bridge ended, and we took off our shoes and sunk our feet into the hot sand. The guides mad us put them back on, because of the "evidence of hooligans," whatever that meant. We walked through the dunes, and then down the beach until the sand was wet. The waves broke on the shore, and then retreated. We ran to the water, and we were stopped by the guides again. We couldn't touch the water either. If the water hurt us, their insurance would not cover it. So we could not touch the water. We had traveled 2,000 miles to keep our shoes on at the beach, and not touch the water.



  1. Awwww, thats too bad. :( Good slice. :) ;)

  2. that was the most obnoxious thing! I really liked the way you concluded your slice. This was a nice description.

  3. I remember that!!! I took my shoes off and got in before they said anything. They got mad at me… Nice slice!
