Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Little Brother

Little Brother

I read Little Brother, a book about terrorism, computers, hackers, and the Department of Homeland Security all through a teenager in San Francisco. I have finished reading this book, and I really liked how the characters evolved over the book, and how my point of view also changed along the course of reading the book. This book was distopian, but was not futuristic or unrealistic, and was relatable to our lives, and real issues like government surveillance and terrorism. This book was exciting from the beginning, and I enjoyed through the end.

4 out of 5


  1. I'm glad you liked this, Simon. I think it's quite good, too, & exciting almost all the book. It seems to touch on your conspiracy theories, too, doesn't it?

  2. Sounds cool! I love when books are written from a different perspective

  3. It sounds like it was a good book. Nice review!
